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Why create an annual review when preparing a thesis?
Year’s end: a time for reflection and resolutions.Why not use these final days of the year to assess your progress on your thesis?
The PhD defence – the right mindset
You fear your defence. You are scared of questions you cannot answer. You are aware of all you do not know. You fear criticism from the jury. The idea of being publicly humiliated paralyses you. Change your mindset!
Finish your thesis with an accountability partner
Crossing items off your to-do list might be particularly challenging in times of confinment. A frameless time, a flat converted into an individual and/or family office… You need to find your bearings. What if you had a coach to help you structure your day? More: a coach for free?
4 steps to design your outline
One of the most challenging phases of the writing process is probably the outline of your thesis. Actually everything is interesting, important, worse to be told. The problem is that you cannot tell everything. You will lose yourself and, by the way, get your reader lost. Less is more. Rather concentrate on one specific goal
Formulate achievable goals for your PhD
Every project starts with a vision : you have a picture of what you would like to achieve at the end. Transforming the dream into a goal is challenging and indispensable. Then the goal is the driver of an action: an action with no goal has no direction. In a PhD project, setting clear goals
6 tricks to tame your inner critic while writing your thesis
As soon as Gertrude writes a sentence, she hears an inner voice: “No, this is too stupid. You cannot write this,” or she mentally sees her supervisor’s sarcastic face. She deletes the sentence; tries another one. Again, “This is ridiculous, delete it immediately.” Again, she wipes it out. After having tried several sentences, the inner
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