Boost your readings skills

The course has saved me from wasting invaluable time and energy
After completing the training, I can honestly say that the quality of my day-to-day work as a PhD student has improved.
This course was a game changer! I am so much more efficient in reading, setting realistic goals, and finding the important sections of the text!
It has saved me from wasting invaluable time and energy. I think that at the end of my PhD, I will still say the most important decision I made during my research was to enroll in this course!
PhD Student- Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Institute of Nanoltechnologies

To end the loneliness, try this revolutionary experience
Start preparing a PHD, is to undertake a long journey. Dealing with many articles and books is not something easy, especially when you do both, having a full time job and preparing PHD. That requires vast amounts of commitment in terms of mental effort and time. After a while under the pressure and stress. I feel lost without any visibility or targets. But now that I attended this course, I have acquired many tools to refocus my approach and my efforts. I learned a lot of techniques of reading and synthesize information.
In fact, Ms Marta is the captain that governs the ship until destination. The way she simplified the methods gives me a glimmer of hope. In fact, using those methods lead to gains in time, efforts and allow you to make progress. This experience is a unique opportunity to get academic tools that will be useful in a number of ways.
Naji Salah-Eddine
Phd student in Finance , Casablanca, Morocco

I feel now more than satisfied about my efficiency in reading my scientific papers
In the beginning of my PhD, I faced a lot of problems with the literature, a lot of papers that content a lot of references, I still jumping from a document to another without a real improvement. Also, it was a nightmare to me to remember the papers that I read a long time ago, I didn’t know techniques to organize efficiently my readings. Then, I participate in this course “DEALING WITH SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE” presented by Martha BOEGLIN, in 5 days I learned a lot of tips and methods that helped me to organize and clarify my work, and I feel now more than satisfied about my efficiency in reading my scientific papers, it is really a very interesting course, I recommend it for all the PhD students, 5 days can make you feel the difference and helps you to make your work strategy more efficient.
Finally, it was a great pleasure to participate in this helpful course, I would like to express my gratitude to Martha, and I hope you continue to help more students just like you helped me, thank you very much.
PhD student in Biomass Combustion, Rabat, Morocco

Martha is like a "magician" that can read the mind of a PhD Student
Before joining the course “Dealing with scientific literature” I had quite a lot of experience with the reading of research articles. However, I was rarely motivated to read and always tried to postpone reading after doing experiments. Reading for me was a time-consuming and boring process.
After following this course, I realized that reading is not so scary and boring, reading is actually a fun, but you need to know the techniques to make it more efficient, interesting and easy. And here is a turn of Martha! She shared with us a lot of techniques, that we can now use to read different articles depending of their complexity and our goals related to them. During this course, I discovered what is prereading, freewriting, mind map, notes template. I understood how not to jump from one reference to another one, but finish the reading and find your required information, how to give the precise goal for reading and ask questions for the text, it helps incredibly. I highly appreciated the sessions with mind map, as such visualizing helps to memorize the information gathered from the article and it is easier! As well, mind map with intermediate goals and literature is actually your bibliography for PhD thesis separated by topic, and question. Once you have such mind map the writing of thesis will not be for you a “mission impossible”. I highly recommend PhD students to join this course. Yes, you need some time to do it, and PhD students never have time, but if you are reading my text till this point, means you can find time to do this course, it’s worth it! You will see how later you will save your time thanks to tips and tricks learnt during this course.
Particularly I liked the way how Martha gives her exercises. She is like a “magician” that can read the mind of PhD student. While giving some task she said directly what we should not do and what we should not think. And it was exactly what PhD students have in their mind in that moment. At least me I had, and some others based on their Facebook feedbacks. Afraid to lose important information, reading several times the same article trying to understand it, losing motivation while reading. This course is for you!
PhD in Biophysics, University of Strasbourg
I was in a dark tunnel and she gave me a torch to walk forward
If you are a PhD student, this workshop is for you. While taking this course, you will not only acquire techniques to deal with scientific literature, but you will also learn some tips that will become helpful in your academic career.Last but no least, I would like to thank Ms Martha for giving us the opportunity to improve our reading skills. It’s like I was in a dark tunnel and she gave me a torch to walk forward. I’ve really enjoyed the experience. Wish you all the best. Read more...
As a first-year PhD student, I started my research by collecting scientific articles and books related to my research field. However, with their increasing number, I found myself confused as I didn’t know how I should read all of them efficiently. Luckily, I found Ms Martha’s workshop and it helped me a lot.
Thanks to this workshop, I learned how to work with scientific literature by setting specific goals so that I won’t lose track and I can keep my work organized.
During each session, Ms Martha presents a reading technique in order to deal with a specific problem that a student can face. Like how to read efficiently without loosing time, how to avoid getting lost while looking for references, how to stop procrastinating….
Ms Martha’s explanations are clear, and her handouts are well done. Moreover, she is very active in her forum. She answers all the questions and even gives more details.
So, if you are a PhD student, this workshop is for you. While taking this course, you will not only acquire techniques to deal with scientific literature, but you will also learn some tips that will become helpful in your academic career.
Last but no least, I would like to thank Ms Martha for giving us the opportunity to improve our reading skills. It’s like I was in a dark tunnel and she gave me a torch to walk forward. I’ve really enjoyed the experience. Wish you all the best.
PhD student in Mining Environment, Rabat, Morocco
I highly recommend the seminar. I learned a new way to approach texts, which saves a lot of time. Since you work with your own research project and readings you select the exercises move your project forward.
The seminar is not only focused on reading but also helps to structure the research, set goals and start writing.
Universität Leipzig, Global Studies
From a chaos of ideas to an outstanding thesis
The first question Martha asked us at the beginning of the course was “what is your main problem about writing your thesis”.
My answer was “I can’t start writing”.
After 4 days of training, I have now in my hands a first structured text of my manuscript !
I discovered that free writing is a good way for me to start and following Martha’s advices allowed me to improve my first draft. This makes me feel much more motivated and confident to continue writing my thesis.
Write your first scientific paper step by step

If you do not know the technique, you will never write a perfect paper
I found the Writing your first paper step by step course interesting and helpful for my research papers. After completing the course, I started to revise my research story, narrow down my research question, start drafting a paper I had under hand and write quite confidently. So, I would highly recommend this course for those PhD students who want start writing their papers and thesis. By attending this 20 hrs course you will be able to write without any fears.
Mohammadummah Hakim-Ebrahimi
Architectural and Material Engineering - IMT Mines Ales/Montpellier

Ready to finish my article
I highly recommend this course for all scientists - juniors as well as seniors - who are expected to produce a written communication of their work: I was able to discover my hidden knowledge, sort it, structure it and perfect it with the tools presented. I now feel finally ready to finish the article that it took me more than 6 months to start. Thank you for everything.